Product Focus - houseof you colours

Inspiration to help you design your own light within the houseof you collection.

We are spoiling you. There are 147 different combinations within our houseof you collection meaning that finding bespoke, tailor-made lighting just got easier.

With so many combinations we thought we would run you through our favourites and show you some inspiration to help you get creative.

Pink and Charcoal

Using matt charcoal grey suddenly makes millennial blush pink feel grown-up and moody. We love this colour combination in the bedroom or kitchen.

Blue and White

Blue has been used in our interiors for a couple of years now but our bright blue is used as an accent colour. We aren’t suggesting that you paint your whole room to match but instead use this as an accent on a blank wall or as a centrepiece in a room.


Green is back, but it isn’t teal this season the colour is now olive.  Olive is rich and grassy and originates from the scandi interiors we have seen on the continent.  Green also looks amazing with pink, so try hanging this green pendant against a pink wall like the bold confident interior designer you now are.


Nearly black, our charcoal colour is a staple this season.  Create a dramatic lighting scheme for your house using texture rather than colour.  Textured ribbed glass and matt fittings create a striking contrast against white walls.

Need more inspiration, check out our how to use guides for our houseof you wall light and ceiling light.


Houseof x Lisa Riddoch


Product Focus - houseof you ceiling light.